Jess King
Extended Roll Lead / SENDCo
Emma McShannon
Coordinator of SEND
(Contact for extended roll school staff)
Briony Dolan
SEND Provision at Chessbrook
Our exceptional SEND department is at the core of Chessbrook and truly shares the Chessbrook whole school intent. We use a person-centred approach to ensure every child gets what they need to be safe, happy and successful in achieving their end points.
Our SEND department provides a nurturing environment where students feel safe and happy. We build positive relationships and our therapeutic approach ensures students feel accepted for who they are and where their starting point happens to be. We develop a sense of self advocacy in our students and empower them to have the courage to share their emotions, opinions and thoughts, knowing that these will always be respected.
As well as the end points being bespoke to the individual, the support, strategies and resources planned for each student will also be bespoke, as at Chessbrook we understand that every student learns in many different ways. All, students will have the opportunity to gain outstanding additional support through a planned sequence of learning either in lessons; through interventions or by accessing support from outside agencies.
In our nurturing way, we guide our students through the Assess, Plan, Do, Review process, ensuring that parents/carers and other support networks are a crucial part of the student’s journey. We strive to re engage our learners in education and instill the values of courage, pride and resilience to support them in their future.
Assess - We use a variety of assessments to identify the starting points of our students. These include assessments the cover the four areas of need: cognition and learning; communication and interaction; social, emotional and mental health and physical needs. These enable us to identify and needs, any gaps in learning or any areas for challenge for our students.
Plan - We create a Pupil Profile for each student, providing relevant information for all staff to best support them. Each student has an Individual Progress Plan consisting of the student’s interests, targets, strategies, resources and interventions that will support them in achieving their targets.
Do - Highly skilled and committed learning support assistants and teachers carry out bespoke interventions to support students with meeting their targets and reengaging with their learning. These involve developing skills in the four areas of need.
Review - We meet regularly with students, their families, schools and other agencies to review the student’s progress and the support in place for them. This also enables us to set new targets for the students and check that we are moving them forward.
SEND Support at Chessbrook