
Education Support Centre
Courage | Pride | Resilience

Business Studies is a popular subject at Chessbrook with students going on to further study after their time here. We provide an engaging and inspiring environment with lessons based around real life examples, which really gets them thinking about the world around them. 

The course is designed so the lessons flow and their understanding and skills are developed over the duration of the course. The course follows sequencing of starting up businesses in Unit 1, to a look at established businesses and their growth for Unit 2. Lessons are designed to be engaging and stimulating, and individual learning styles are always met. We use real world case studies and creative concepts to get the students thinking and being creative.

Exceptional teaching and links to real businesses, makes the subject relevant to their lives and helps inspire them for the future. By the end of the course, all students have the courage to go on to be entrepreneurs!


Education Support Centre
Courage | Pride | Resilience

Business Studies is a popular subject at Chessbrook with students going on to further study after their time here. We provide an engaging and inspiring environment with lessons based around real life examples, which really gets them thinking about the world around them. 

The course is designed so the lessons flow and their understanding and skills are developed over the duration of the course. The course follows sequencing of starting up businesses in Unit 1, to a look at established businesses and their growth for Unit 2. Lessons are designed to be engaging and stimulating, and individual learning styles are always met. We use real world case studies and creative concepts to get the students thinking and being creative.

Exceptional teaching and links to real businesses, makes the subject relevant to their lives and helps inspire them for the future. By the end of the course, all students have the courage to go on to be entrepreneurs!


Education Support Centre
Courage | Pride | Resilience

Business Studies is a popular subject at Chessbrook with students going on to further study after their time here. We provide an engaging and inspiring environment with lessons based around real life examples, which really gets them thinking about the world around them. 

The course is designed so the lessons flow and their understanding and skills are developed over the duration of the course. The course follows sequencing of starting up businesses in Unit 1, to a look at established businesses and their growth for Unit 2. Lessons are designed to be engaging and stimulating, and individual learning styles are always met. We use real world case studies and creative concepts to get the students thinking and being creative.

Exceptional teaching and links to real businesses, makes the subject relevant to their lives and helps inspire them for the future. By the end of the course, all students have the courage to go on to be entrepreneurs!