
Education Support Centre
Courage | Pride | Resilience

The management committee is Chessbrook ESC's governing body. The committee is comprised of local Primary and Secondary Headteachers, County Councillors and Alternative Provision providers. 

This is an excellent combination for ensuring that Chessbrook meets local needs in the context of education. The committee also oversee how we operate and the way we spend our budget of public monies.


“The Management Committee has a clear oversight of the work of leaders.  They share leaders’ ambitions for pupils to achieve well.  Their expertise and experience enables them to support leaders and hold them to account” ‘Ofsted February 2024’


Members of the management committee are as follows

Michael Jones Chair of Management Committee - Headteacher - Parmiters School
Mark Watkin Vice-Chair of Management Committee - Councillor
Tim Body Chair of Resources Committee - Headteacher - Westfield Academy
Sylvia Tai Chair of School Improvement Committee - Headteacher - Watford Grammar School for Girls
Nigel Bell Vice-Chair of School Improvement Committee - Councillor

Richard Booth

Headteacher - The Reach Free School
Steve McShannon Executive Headteacher - Chessbrook ESC
Andy Mirkovic Head of School (Associate Member) - Chessbrook ESC 
Hannah Trickett   Headteacher - Maple Cross JMI School
Paul Forman Alternative Provision Provider - Watford Angling Coaches
Rosi Jordon Retired Deputy Headteacher - Specialist Leader in Education
Suzanne Briscall Clerk to the Management Committee
Jenny Buckeridge  School Business Manager - Chessbrook ESC (Co-opted Member)
Naomi Lessiter Safeguarding and Attendance Officer - Chessbrook ESC (Parent /Student Advocate) 


