The sport curriculum at Chessbrook provides students with a positive and stimulating learning environment, one where they develop an enjoyment of activites alongside building their self esteem.
Furthermore students are encouraged to try new activities and build resilience as they learn from their mistakes. Students devlelop an appreciation of the benefits of regular physical activity and sport,including the impact it can have positively on their mental health.
Our sport courses provide extensive opportunities for students’ personal development, enabling them to deepen their understanding of themselves, their role within society, their health and wellbeing and harness their resilience.
Our curriculum is designed to support a smooth transition to mainstream school sport whilst also giving students the knowledge, skills and confidence to maintain a lifetime involvement in sport.
The sport curriculum at Chessbrook provides students with a positive and stimulating learning environment, one where they develop an enjoyment of activites alongside building their self esteem.
Furthermore students are encouraged to try new activities and build resilience as they learn from their mistakes. Students devlelop an appreciation of the benefits of regular physical activity and sport,including the impact it can have positively on their mental health.
Our sport courses provide extensive opportunities for students’ personal development, enabling them to deepen their understanding of themselves, their role within society, their health and wellbeing and harness their resilience.
Our curriculum is designed to support a smooth transition to mainstream school sport whilst also giving students the knowledge, skills and confidence to maintain a lifetime involvement in sport.
The sport curriculum at Chessbrook provides students with a positive and stimulating learning environment, one where they develop an enjoyment of activites alongside building their self esteem.
Furthermore students are encouraged to try new activities and build resilience as they learn from their mistakes. Students devlelop an appreciation of the benefits of regular physical activity and sport,including the impact it can have positively on their mental health.
Our sport courses provide extensive opportunities for students’ personal development, enabling them to deepen their understanding of themselves, their role within society, their health and wellbeing and harness their resilience.
Our curriculum is designed to support a smooth transition to mainstream school sport whilst also giving students the knowledge, skills and confidence to maintain a lifetime involvement in sport.