
Education Support Centre
Courage | Pride | Resilience

Chessbrook is an exceptionally successful organisation which proudly serves its family of schools within South West Hertfordshire, providing support to approximately 1,000 local children, young people and families each year.

Our fundamental values, encapsulated by Courage, Pride, and Resilience (CPR), permeate every facet of our approach. Upon joining Chessbrook, many students arrive with negative learning experiences, feelings of rejection, and a complete disconnection from the educational system. Our CPR values are the driving force behind nurturing self-assured, capable, and tenacious individuals, rekindling the flame of education and learning.


In March 2022, the government's green paper outlining proposed changes to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and Alternative Provision in the UK acknowledged the exceptional contributions that Chessbrook makes to students, families, and schools. Our involvement in the research for the Alternative Provision Quality Toolkit resulted in Chessbrook being featured as a noteworthy case study, further acknowledging our exceptional practices in this domain.


Following this publication, we were honoured with an invitation to Westminster to provide evidence and field questions on our approach to reducing permanent exclusions through early intervention. Hearing the CEO of a prominent Alternative Provision Multi Academy Trust express his intent to implement the 'Chessbrook model' across all the schools in his Trust underscored the outstanding practices we have cultivated over the years.


Chessbrook provides timely and tailored support, enabling the majority of our students to continue their education in mainstream schools. This ensures that those with the most complex needs gain access to an ambitious and personalised curriculum at our centre.


We offer a high level of pastoral care, including the assignment of a dedicated Personal Learning Mentor who will advocate for each student throughout their journey at Chessbrook. Our standards and expectations are exceptionally high.  We are unwavering in our commitment to educate, challenge and inspire our young people to reach their aspirations.


Our highly motivated and expertly trained staff team is diligent in identifying gaps in prior development and learning, ensuring that every student receives the essential support for success from the moment they step through our doors. Students and their families immediately experience the warmth and robust support network available to them.


Our objective is for all students to attain the qualifications and experiences necessary to advance to the next stage of their educational journey and into adulthood.


To explore more about what we have to offer, please browse our website or arrange a visit.

Steve McShannon

